Due Date: Wednesday, 2 May (firm)
Group Project (done in pairs)
Familiarity with
- Dojo Toolkit
- Mashups
In this project, you will develop a browser-based mashup (from at least two sources) of your choice, pending on instructor approval. No later than Monday, April 16, should you have found your project partner and discussed your project choice with the instructor and finalized the project requirements. Hint: keep it simple!As discussed in class, a great example of a simple yet effective mashup is HousingMaps.
As a default project, in case you prefer not to come up with your own, you could explore an integration of Google Maps with suitably tagged del.icio.us bookmarks that represent geographic locations of interest (for example, places you have visited).
Alternatively, you are also welcome to build your mashup using Yahoo! Pipes, Ning, or QEDWiki. You will need a Yahoo! account to use this service.